High Society Consultants...
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit". Aristotle
In the 20th Century, the business system was king. That led to the interchangeable parts - and replaceable workers. The future ladies and gentlemen is about taste. The tastefull application of ; Mac v. MS if you like. ‘There are goal-seeksers and those who celebrate’. We celebrate the immense knowledge at our disposal , goal-seeking is a hobby , celebrating is the work!
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Organisational behaviour is of ever more importance to the individual , in short , those post – it notes stuck to computer monitors on workstations through-out the world. These smarties realise, that technology is a tool and those hand-written post-its are actually ‘ do –its’. The human experience does not lend itself well to interfacing with a computer working as both master and servant. “ Please wait” , on a computer screen prompts a glance at the ‘ do it ’ note and |
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We celebrate the immense knowledge at our disposal , goal-seeking is a hobby , celebrating is the work!
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